This study aims to enable the readers to evaluate and analyze the different types of results of various research that identify the effectiveness of multimedia-based PBL to improve critical thinking skills. This study is a descriptive qualitative study with a critical discourse analysis approach. The data are taken from various studies with the same theme and were compared with various expert opinions through in-depth literature. This study evaluates the results of research by Kurniawati & Suryadarma (2015), Isnaeny et al. (2018), Munandar et al. (2018), and Nirbita et al. (2018. The researcher conducted a literature review and compared the results of the study with various expert opinions. From some of these studies, there are positive aspects that can be taken, namely (1) the formulation of research objectives must obvious; (2) data in background must be using international research data and official data from national ministries, observations, questionnaires, and other research results; (3) research methods are explained in detail; (4) the stages of implementation of the media are described; (5) research results data are presented with tables or graphs that are easy to understand; (6) discussion of research results must be accompanied by expert opinions; and (7) conclusion of the research must be accompanied by an explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of the media users on the research. Furthermore, the results of this study can be used as guidelines and reinforcement of the theory that multimedia in PBL environments can increase the skills to think critically.