Abstract. Density-dependent habitat selection has numerous and far-reaching implications to population dynamics and evolutionary processes. Although several studies suggest that organisms choose and occupy high-quality habitats over poorer ones, definitive experiments demonstrating active selection, by the same individuals at the appropriate population scale, are lacking. We conducted a reciprocal food supplementation experiment to assess whether voles would first occupy a habitat receiving extra food, then change their preference to track food supplements moved to another habitat. Meadow voles, as predicted, were more abundant in food-supplemented habitat than in others. Density declined when food supplements ceased because the voles moved to the new habitat receiving extra food. Although males and females appeared to follow different strategies, meadow-vole densities reflected habitat quality because voles actively selected the best habitat available. It is thus clear that behavioral decisions on habitat use can motivate patterns of abundance, frequency, and gene flow that have widespread effects on subsequent evolution.