In China, Tong sheep (TS) and Lanzhou fat-tailed sheep (LFTS) are two closely relative endanger breeds for low meat production and low fecundity, finding some marker-assisted selected (MAS) is our first priority for improving their growth traits. For this purpose, Hu sheep (HS) and small-tailed Han sheep (STHS) were compared with two endangered breeds (TS and LFTS). Paired-liked homeodomain transcription factor 2 (PITX2) gene was the important member of PITX family, which could adjust animal growth through hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. During the past years, insertion/deletion (indel) has become increasingly popular in application as MAS. In this study, two novel indel loci were identified, and five significant differences, including chest width, hip width, chest depth, chest circumference, and body height, were found between different breeds. Interestingly, there was no DD genotype and smaller number of ID genotye. All the ID genotypes were significantly greater than II genotype, which was to say the allele of "D" was dominant variation and its frequency was lower, which demonstrated that it has huge space for selection. Briefly, the two indel were potential and useful DNA markers for selecting excellent individuals in relation to growth traits in sheep.