“…Thereafter, persistently exciting signals have attracted considerable interest in the control engineering area prompted by the possibility of proving stability results for adaptive control algorithms (see, e.g., Morgan and Narendra [1977], Anderson and Johnson [1982], Boyd and Sastry [1983], Bitmead [1984], Goodwin and Teoh [1985], Boyd and Sastry [1986], Narendra and Annaswamy [1987]). This has generated a vast and diverse body of contributions, e.g., Ljung [1971], Yuan and Wonham [1977], Stoica [1981], Moore [1983], Mareels [1984], Mareels and Gevers [1988], Glad [1990, 1994], Willems et al [2005], Gevers et al [2009], Ortega and Fradkov [1993], Zhang et al [1996], Panteley et al [2001], Loría et al [2005], which have provided extensions and applications of the persistence of excitation condition.…”