The commercial sector in Peru is one of the most influential sectors in its economy, representing a percentage of 17.8% of GDP. Although this sector has a lot of influence, it also has a big problem, which is its level of service, which greatly affects companies, economically and their customers. One of the causes of this problem is the inadequate management of inventories in the warehouses of the companies, causing non-fulfillment of orders, reorders, among other things. Therefore, the objective of this research is to demonstrate that the implementation of Lean Warehousing, Kanban and BPM tools are useful to increase the level of service of trading companies, minimizing the number of reorders, the time to search for products in the warehouse, improving inventory management in the warehouse. In addition, in order to validate this proposal, the BPM tool was simulated, using the Arena software, in the warehouse area, which resulted in an increase in the availability of the operators, from 65% to 90%.