Nickel and its compounds are among the few well-documented human carcinogens, and only recently have the molecular mechanisms of Ni carcinogenesis been addressed (6). Ni ions have a much higher affinity for proteins than for DNA, and thus Ni compounds have been found to selectively damage protein-rich heterochromatic chromosomal regions (3-6). In Chinese hamster (CH) cells the longest contiguous region of heterochromatin is found on the X chromosome. This is thought to explain the disproportionately high incidence of transformation among male Chinese hamster embryo (CHE) cells compared with female cells, since over half of the male Ni-transformed cells had a complete deletion of the long arm of the X chromosome as their primary chromosomal aberration (3). The striking deletion of protein-rich heterochromatin may simply model other protein-DNA interactions occurring in genetically active promoter regions. CHE cells are used in cell transformation studies because, unlike mouse cells, they can be transformed by nickel compounds with a low spontaneous background. Human cells are not generally transformed by chemical carcinogens, and other mammalian cell types (e.g., mouse cells) exhibit such high transformation backgrounds that it is difficult to attribute the transformation to the carcinogen treatment.