Single-channel conductance in Cys-loop channels is controlled by the nature of the amino acids in the narrowest parts of the ion conduction pathway, namely the second transmembrane domain (M2) and the intracellular helix. In cationic channels, such as Torpedo ACh nicotinic receptors, conductance is increased by negatively charged residues exposed to the extracellular vestibule. We now show that positively charged residues at the same loop 5 position boost also the conductance of anionic Cys-loop channels, such as glycine (␣1 and ␣1) and GABA A (␣12␥2) receptors. Charge reversal mutations here produce a greater decrease on outward conductance, but their effect strongly depends on which subunit carries the mutation. In the glycine ␣1 receptor, replacing Lys with Glu in ␣1 reduces single-channel conductance by 41%, but has no effect in the  subunit. By expressing concatameric receptors with constrained stoichiometry, we show that this asymmetry is not explained by the subunit copy number. A similar pattern is observed in the ␣12␥2 GABA A receptor, where only mutations in ␣1 or 2 decreased conductance (to different extents). In both glycine and GABA receptors, the effect of mutations in different subunits does not sum linearly: mutations that had no detectable effect in isolation did enhance the effect of mutations carried by other subunits. As in the nicotinic receptor, charged residues in the extracellular vestibule of anionic Cys-loop channels influence elementary conductance. The size of this effect strongly depends on the direction of the ion flow and, unexpectedly, on the nature of the subunit that carries the residue.Channels in the nicotinic superfamily are formed by five subunits arranged quasi-symmetrically around the central pore. Structural information from the Torpedo acetylcholine nicotinic receptor and related prokaryotic channels, such as GLIC and ELIC (all cation-permeable), shows that the conduction path for ions starts with a wide vestibule formed by the extracellular domains (1-3). This tapers to a narrower transmembrane region, which is lined mainly by the second transmembrane domains (M2) of each of the five subunits. In eukaryotic channels, this is connected to the cytoplasm by openings in the subunits intracellular domains, which are formed by the M3-M4 loop. The rate of ion flow along this pathway (and therefore the single-channel conductance) is strongly affected by the nature of the residues that line it, especially those that line the narrowest parts. In particular, there are rings of charged amino acids at the extracellular and intracellular ends of the transmembrane part of the pore (positions Ϫ4Ј and 20Ј in the M2 domain (4) and around the fenestrations of the cytoplasmic domain (5). It was recently found that single-channel conductance can also be influenced by residues in the extracellular domain (ECD). The first clue came from the structure of a member of the family of ACh-binding proteins (AChBP), molluscan homopentameric soluble proteins, which are homologous to the ECD part...