Two maize plastidic NADP-malic enzyme isoforms have been characterized: the bundle sheath-located photosynthetic isoform (ZmC(4)-NADP-ME) and a constitutively expressed one (Zm-nonC(4)-NADP-ME). In this work, the characterization of the first maize cytosolic NADP-ME (ZmCytNADP-ME) is presented, which transcript is exclusively found in embryo and emerging roots. ZmCytNADP-ME expression in roots decreases with development, while Zm-nonC ( 4 ) -NADP-ME increases concomitantly. On the other hand, ZmCytNADP-ME accumulation is differentially modulated by several stress conditions and shows coordination with that of Zm-nonC ( 4 ) -NADP-ME in maize young roots. Recombinant ZmCytNADP-ME displays clearly distinct kinetic parameters and metabolic regulation than the plastidic isoforms. The particular properties and the specific-expression pattern of this novel isoform suggest that it may be involved in the control of cytosolic malate levels in emerging roots, e.g. during hypoxia. ZmCytNADP-ME is phylogenetically related to other cytosolic mono and dicot NADP-MEs, and data indicate that it belongs to an ancestral unique group among plant NADP-MEs.