The Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae WoodMason (Cecidomyiidae: Diptera) is a serious pest of wet season rice in South and Southeast Asia. Due to internal feeding habit and presence of biotypes of the pest, the most feasible way to control is breeding varieties resistant against multiple biotypes through marker-assisted breeding (MAB). But very few versatile co-dominant markers linked to the gall midge resistance genes are available. We used a set of F 9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of the cross TN1/PTB10 and identified microsatellite markers for the gall midge resistance gene in cv. PTB10 on short arm of rice chromosome 8. Markers RM22550 and RM547 flank the gene at a distance of 0.9 and 1.9 cM, respectively. Amplification of the markers in gall midge resistant and susceptible cultivars showed that these markers can be successfully used in MAB for development of gall midge resistant varieties.