cucumber, _ onion and poiato -plants were panied by leaf injury symptoms. The magnigrown in..the.greenhouse. At 2 to 3 weeks iude of such effects-varied with species ind trom,seeding Fe-y w9!e fumigated with ozone cultivars. Percent reduction in dry weight tor short pe-riods. observations on the de-ranged up to 37 in cucumber, aid l7'in velopment of leaf inju-ry symptoms and of onion. Inhibition of flowering of potato planis growtn efiects were made over a 4-week post-was accompanied by accelerated leaf senesfumigatiol period.-GeneTlly,,when the piants cence. Susciptibility'of the species to oro"e, were fumigated with 100 pphm ozone Tor I in decreasin! order, followed the sequence: hour, there were no marked responses. Fumi-onion, cucumber, potato. In each caG there gation at the same concentration for 4 hours was ai least one're'latively tolerant cultivar. resulted in a reduction in dry weight, accom-