Objective: The aim of this prospective study was to investigate the effects of electrohydraulic extracofporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) on the transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) of the patients on whom ESWL was applied for urinary stones.Methods: The study group consisted of 10 patients (7 male, 3 female) with unilateral urinary lithiasis on whom ESWL was applied in one course and 20 of their ears. The control group was chosen from patients who attended the Otolaryngology and Urology departments. Ten patients (7 male, 3 female) without urinary stones and ear problems and 20 of their ears constituted the control group. Only patients with normal hearing levels were included in the study. TEOAEs were recorded before the ESWL application (B-ESWL). on the first day (A ESWL-1), and on day 15 (A-ESWL-15).Results: At B ESWL, the mean stimulus for the control group was significantly higher than that of the study group. Three kilohertz percentage values were significantly decreased on A-ESWL-1. The difference between A-ESWL-1 and A-ESWL-15 and between B-ESWL and A-ESWL-15 of the study group at 3.0 kHz% was not significant.Conclusion: It was thought that the reason for only temporary damage at 3.0 kHz was a result of the resonance effect of the external auditory canal. It was concluded that no damage on the other frequencies was due to protective earheadings and short exposure time to the noise. Since all of our patients had protective earheadings on both ears during the ESWL procedure, they may have been protected from any permanent damage of the inner ear and hairy cells of the cochlea. SOMMAIRE Objectifs: Le but de cet etude etait d'investiguer les effets sur les emissions otoacoustiques transitoires (EOAT) de la lithotripsie extracorporeile |LE) utilisee sur des patients souffrant de lithiases renales. Methodes: Nous avons etudie un groupe de 10 patients (et leurs 20 oreilles) (7 hommes et 3 femmes) avec une lithiase urinaire unilaterale traitee avec une session unique LE. Le groupe de controle a ete choisi parmi des patients vus dans les services d'urologie et d'ORL. Dix patients (7hommes et 3 femmesl sans pathologie urinaire ou otologique ont ete retenus. Nous n'avons inclus que des patients avec une audition normale. Les EOAT ont ete enregistrees avant le traitement (EOAT-A), le lendemaine (EOAT 11) et 15 {Ours plustard (EOAT+15). Resultats: Le stimulus moyen avant le traitment pour le groupe controle etait significativement plus eleve que pour le groupe controle. Les valeurs a 3 kHz% etait significativement diminiuees a EOAT -1. Par contre les differences entre EOAT^I et EOAT-15 et entre EOAT-A et EOAT+15 pour le groupe traite n'etaient pas significatives a 3 kHz%.Conclusion Nous croyons que les dommages temporaires a 3.0kHz etaient le resultat de la resonance du conduit auditif externe. Nous avons aussi conclu que I'absence de changement aux autres frequences etait lie a I'utilisation de protection auditive et a la courte duree de I'exposition. Puisque tous nos patients portaient ce type de protec...