Intensive care always prioritizes patients' lives, saving many critically ill patients. While this allows for subsequent long-term survival, certain patients develop physical, mental and cognitive impairments after intensive care. The concept of post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) was proposed in 2010 (Needham et al., 2012). The longterm quality of life (QOL) of PICS patients is considered to be low; intensive care is therefore focused on improvement of QOL in postintensive care unit (ICU) patients as the next step after lifesaving.Post-ICU patients experience mental disorders including anxiety (23%-48%), depression (8%-57%) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (10%-50%), thereby reducing their QOL (Harvey & Davidson, 2016). They have distorted memories of their ICU stay, including memory loss or delusions, resulting in inconsistent memories. Several studies have reported an association between delirium