Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has great potential to improve prostate cancer diagnosis. It can spare men with a normal exam from undergoing invasive biopsy while making biopsies more accurate in men with lesions suspicious for cancer. Yet, the subtle differences between cancer and confounding conditions, render the interpretation of MRI challenging. The tissue collected from patients that undergo pre-surgical MRI and radical prostatectomy provides a unique opportunity to correlate histopathology images of the entire prostate with MRI in order to accurately map the extent of prostate cancer onto MRI. Such mapping will help improve existing MRI interpretation schemes, e.g. PIRADS, and will facilitate the development of quantitative image analysis methods to assess the imaging characteristics of prostate cancer on MRI. Here, we introduce the RAPSODI (RAdiology Pathology Spatial Open-Source multi-Dimensional Integration) framework for the registration of radiology and pathology images. RAPSODI relies on a three-step procedure that first reconstructs in three dimensions (3D) the resected tissue using the serial whole-mount histopathology slices, then registers corresponding histopathology and MRI slices, and finally maps the cancer outlines from the histopathology slices onto MRI. We tested RAPSODI in a phantom study where we simulated various conditions, e.g., tissue specimen rotation upon mounting on glass slides, tissue shrinkage during fixation, or imperfect slice-to-slice correspondences between histopathology and MRI images. Our experiments showed that RAPSODI can reliably correct for rotations within ±15 • and shrinkage up to 10%. We also evaluated RAPSODI in 89 patients from two institutions that underwent radical prostatectomy, yielding 543 histopathology slices that were registered to corresponding T2 weighted MRI slices. We found a Dice similarity coefficient of 0.98±0.01 for the prostate, prostate boundary Hausdorff distance of 1.71±0.48 mm, a urethra deviation of 2.91±1.25 mm, and a landmark deviation of 2.88±0.70 mm between registered histopathology images and MRI. Our robust framework successfully mapped the extent of disease from histopathology slices onto MRI and created ground truth labels for characterizing prostate cancer on MRI. Our opensource RAPSODI platform is available as a 3D Slicer plugin or as a stand-alone program and can be downloaded from