Enteral feedings are an integral part of care for many hospitalized patients. Accessing the gastrointestinal (GI) tract safely and in a timely manner can be challenging. Various techniques and devices to enhance the safety of bedside feeding tube placement are available for clinicians. Three specific devices are highlighted, including the colorimetric CO(2) detector (CCD), a magnetically guided feeding tube (MGFT), and the electromagnetic tube placement device (ETPD). The CO(2) detector is applied to detect the presence or absence of CO(2), thus assisting in correct placement of the feeding tube tip into the GI tract vs the lung. The MGFT uses a magnetic device to manipulate the feeding tube through the GI tract into the small intestine. The ETPD provides real-time visualization of the feeding tube as it progresses into the small intestine. Training and repetition are essential for safe and successful feeding tube placement, and the highlighted devices can contribute to both of these goals.