Large data sets invite students to engage in scientific practices such as question asking, identifying correlations, using visualizations, and practicing data literacy in an authentic context. However, authentic data sets are rarely introduced in the biology classroom. We prepared an online inquiry activity based on authentic gross characteristics of a gazelle data set. These included gazelle’s weight, location (longitude and latitude), collection date, and measured lengths of body parts. In constructing the activity, we considered the following design principles: use of high-quality authentic data, choice of a wide data set to allow multiple research questions, and exposure of the participants to basic data science tools. The activity starts with an introduction to data sets and guided data analysis, and it ends with independent research of a large gazelle data set. The activity was experienced by 121 teachers and was found to promote higher-order research questions. Before the activity, most of the teachers’ questions focused on gazelle properties—first-order questions, according to Dillon’s (1984) classification of research questions. Following the activity, most questions belonged to the comparison and contingencies categories (second- and third-order questions, respectively). Thus, this activity might serve to expand the biology teacher’s toolbox in teaching inquiry and data literacy.