In September 1995, Edmonton's City Council requested a task force of experts and citizens be established to examine ways in which the quality of water in the North Saskatchewan River within Edmonton could be improved. The task force process involved three City of Edmonton departments (drainage, parks and planning), EPCOR Water Services (the City of Edmonton water utility) and external representatives. A vision for North Saskatchewan River water quality and a set of principles, strategies and initiatives for attaining the vision were developed. Task force recommendations were approved by City Council in November 1997. The recommendations involve monitoring, additional capital projects, stakeholder participation and addressing water quality upstream of the City. Work on enhanced monitoring and development of a river water quality database began in 1998. The first two years of a five year implementation program have been completed. Positive results to date include additional funding for river water quality related activities, improved communication between stakeholders and more data being available to ensure that future expenditures on improving river water quality target the most critical areas. This paper focuses on the City of Edmonton Drainage Services' participation in the task force.