Let F be a field of characteristic 0, G a finite abelian group and A a\ud
G-graded algebra. We prove that A generates a variety of G-graded\ud
algebras of almost polynomial growth if and only if A has the same\ud
graded identities as one of the following algebras:\ud
(1) FCp , the group algebra of a cyclic group of order p, where p\ud
is a prime number and p | |G|;\ud
(2) UTG\ud
2 (F ), the algebra of 2×2 upper triangular matrices over F\ud
endowed with an elementary G-grading;\ud
(3) E, the infinite dimensional Grassmann algebra with trivial Ggrading;\ud
(4) in case 2 | |G|, EZ2 , the Grassmann algebra with canonical Z2-\ud