The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of avian diversity and breeding species in Türkiye. Observations were carried out in Iğdır Province within a total of 40 days spread throughout the migration and breeding periods of 2017-2018. Regional status and breeding codes were determined for each species. Some winter visitors have also been observed during the early stages of the spring migration. In the study, 192 species were identified belonging to 50 families from 20 orders and 58 residents, 83 summer visitors, 11 winter visitors, and 40 transit migratory birds. According to the result of the recording breeding behavior, 52 bird species were classified as confirmed breeders, 36 as probable breeders, and 70 as possible breeders. According to IUCN Red List, 10 globally threatened species (Haematopus ostralegus, Vanellus vanellus, Numenius arquata, Gallinago media, Gypaetus barbatus, Aegypius monachus, Circus macrourus, Aythya ferina, Streptopelia turtur, Neophron percnopterus) were observed. Aras Valley and Aralık-Karasu Wetlands are the most important areas for birds. The conservation of these areas is of high importance in the region for migratory birds.