1IntroductionOne of the concerns in today's workw ith energetic materials is their safety whent hey are exposed to extreme environmental conditions. Hazards cenarios can involvem any stimuli, such as impact, friction, and shear.D uring the penetration process lastingafew milliseconds, the warhead will undertake high pressure, whose peak is on the order of 100 MPa [1].T he explosive charge is affected by av ariety of stimuli during penetration,a nd thus both the response mechanism and failure modea re very complex.Avery short duration of hundreds of microseconds has limited the applications of traditional safety evaluation methods at small scales, such as mechanical sensitivity,b ullet impact tests, and the Susan test [2, 3] etc.,a nd full scale warhead penetration is limited byc ost and high risk. These factors hinder an effective determinationo ft he stability of explosives duringp enetration.To solve suchp roblems, researchers have carried out al arge number of relevant studies. For example,h ighspeed projectiles or flyers are used to simulate the shock of ah igh strain rate. Skidmore et al. [4] simulated shearing with al ow velocity gas gun. Idar et al. [5] and Skidmore et al. [6] both conducted low velocityi mpact experiments for PBX9501. Meso-scale damage was observed in PBX9501 after impacts,w hich was very similar to the damage induced by combustion and coolingt ests.T hree characteris-tic regions includingt he melting zone, the heat affected zone and undamaged area wereo bserved. Chabin et al. [7] studied the correlation between the loading of shear compressiona nd the reactionl evels of the explosive. Vandersall et al.[8] performed tests at low shockp ressures (on the order of 1-2 GPa) studying the impact on six octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) basedP BXs and they found that the lower shock pressures created fewer energetic "hot spots" and causedl onger distances to detonation. Ignitionc riterion of explosives under low velocity impact was also discussed by Ma et al. [9] in termso ft he effective amount of plastic work and the specificp lastic power to predict the ignition of explosives. Predictions were also given by Gonthier [10] for the coupled bulk and grain scale response of granular HMX due to mild piston impact (impact speeds < 100 ms À1 ). At heoretical model of [a] X.Abstract:D uring warhead penetration,w hich lasts several milliseconds, warheads undertake moderate pressures reaching hundreds of MPa.P revious methods have been unable to mimic such stimuli to evaluate the safety of ammunitions. Hence, new safety evaluation methodsw ith moderate pressuresa nd long durations to assess the stability of the explosive chargesd uring actualp enetrations are needed. Based on existinge xplosives safety estimation technologies and preliminary understanding of overload environments duringp enetration, ac onfined impact model was developed. The peak stimuli pressure is more than 0.3 GPa and the duration of the pressure is between 1t o 3milliseconds. Various scales of ap olymer-bonded e...