Let K be a non-archimedean local field, X a smooth and proper K-scheme, and fix a pluricanonical form on X. For every finite extension K of K, the pluricanonical form induces a measure on the K -analytic manifold X(K ). We prove that, when K runs through all finite tame extensions of K, suitable normalizations of the pushforwards of these measures to the Berkovich analytification of X converge to a Lebesgue-type measure on the temperate part of the Kontsevich-Soibelman skeleton, assuming the existence of a strict normal crossings model for X. We also prove a similar result for all finite extensions K under the assumption that X has a log smooth model. This is a non-archimedean counterpart of analogous results for volume forms on degenerating complex Calabi-Yau manifolds by Boucksom and the first-named author. Along the way, we develop a general theory of Lebesgue measures on Berkovich skeleta over discretely valued fields. m K := (π K ) * |θ ⊗ K K | of the measure |θ ⊗ K K | to X an as K runs through finite extensions of K.Fix an algebraic closure K a of K, and let E a K be the set of finite extensions K of K in K a , ordered by inclusion. Let E ur K be the subset of E a K consisting of unramified extensions, and let K ur be the union of all extensions in E ur K (that is, the maximal unramified extension of K in K a ).Main Theorem. Assume X admits a log smooth model over the valuation ring R in K. Then there exist Lebesgue-type measures λ a and λ ur on X an , and positive constants c a K and c ur K for K in E a K and E ur K , respectively, such that lim K ∈E a K c a K m K = λ a , and lim K ∈E ur K c ur K m K = λ ur in the weak sense of positive Radon measures on X an .