To arrive at a better understanding of the e ects of the glucocorticoid component of chemotherap#y protocols on lymphocytic leukemia cells, we analysed early responses of T-lymphocytic leukemia cell lines Jurkat and CEM-C7, both of which undergo apoptosis in response to dexamethasone, via gene chips. Among genes identi®ed as repressed, a notable cluster seemed to be of importance for the processes of transcription, mRNA splicing and protein synthesis. Consequently, we assessed time-resolved uptake of uridine and methionine to monitor RNA and protein synthesis, along with parameters quantifying apoptosis. Repression of uptake to about 65% of that in untreated cells preceded the ®rst sign of apoptosis by several hours in both cell lines. In addition to this general repression of RNA and protein synthesis, several genes were found to be regulated that may contribute to synergistic action of glucocorticoids with other components of frequently used chemotherapy protocols such as antimetabolites, methotrexate and alkylating agents. Oncogene (2001) 20, 4324 ± 4336.