Epidemiologic studies revealed a crucial role of the environment for the increased prevalence of allergic disorders. e microbiota as part of our immediate environment promotes immune diversity that facilitates a well-equilibrated balance between immunity and tolerance. Alterations of our symbiotic microbiota especially in early life is thought to play a fundamental role in de ning susceptibility to the development of allergic diseases during adult life on the population level. Due to a high density of bacteria, viruses and fungi and a large contact surface area for host-microbiota interactions, the most relevant interaction between microbes and our immune system are thought to occur in the gut. e immune system co-evolved with the symbiotic microbiota and adopted a variety of mechanisms to allow a dynamic state of tolerance, including the induction of regulatory T cells (Tregs). Foxp3-expressing Tregs are welldescribed immune regulators in autoimmune and allergic disorders. However, recent years have shown that Tregs can come in di erent avours with di erent regulatory potential and outcome for our immune system. is review summarizes novel ndings from basic immunology research that may help to better understand the interaction between the microbiota, di erentiation of Tregs and its consequences for the onset and regulation of allergic disorders.Cite this as Ohnmacht C. Microbiota, regulatory T cell subsets, and allergic disorders. Allergo J Int 2016;25:114-23