After stoma formation, parastomal hernia develops in 30-50% of patients, with one-third of these require operative correction. Recurrence rates are very high after suture repair of parastomal hernias or relocation of the stoma. Open or laparoscopic mesh repairs have resulted in much lower recurrence rates. Long-term follow-up of the various techniques for parastomal hernia repair is lacking, as are randomized trials. A prophylactic prosthetic mesh placed in a sublay position at the index operation has reduced the rate of parastomal hernia in randomized trials. A prophylactic mesh in an onlay position, a sublay position, and an intraperitoneal onlay position has also been associated with low herniation rates in non-randomized studies. Although several questions within this field still have to be answered, it seems obvious that use of a mesh represents a suitable measure for the prevention of parastomal hernia as well as parastomal hernia repair.