Lo más destacado: Representación y análisis de relieves y grabados sobre elementos pétreos mediante virtualización con fotogrametría y obtención de modelos digitales. Aplicación de herramientas de visualización y SIG para el estudio de microtopografías en patrimonio cultural de pequeño tamaño. Necesidad de desarrollar metodologías para el estudio y puesta en valor del patrimonio así como la reinterpretación del patrimonio ya estudiado.
Extended Abstract:We present a methodological approach for the representation, visualisation and analysis of three-dimensional (3D) models of meaningful details in stone reliefs provided by digital documentation tools and subsequent processing. For this aim, anthropomorphous shapes engraved on a flat stone slab found in Sierra de Fontcalent (Alicante) are studied. The object under consideration was located near two archaeological sites, Cova del Fum -a cave with presence of the Chalcolithic material (López, 2010)-and the archaeological site of Fontcalent, with remains from different phases of occupation spanning from 7 th -6 th BC to the 20 th century (Ximénez, 2012).In the last few years, the use of digital tools provided by new technologies and software development has left traditional work methodology behind (De Reu et al., 2014) while enabling the development of new approaches to both minimise heritage alteration and provide objective and accurate information (Lopez-Menchero, Marchante, Vincent, Cárdenas, & Onrubia, 2017). 3D documentation allows recording of cultural heritage at a reasonable cost with precision and quality through digital photography and SfM (Structure from Motion) photogrammetry with specialised software (De Reu et al., 2013).