The "Podpe~ limestone" outcropping south of Ljubljana (Central Slovenia), deposited at the northern edge of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform, comprises mostly dark grey and black thick bedded oolitic limestone, and is renowned for several horizons of lithiotid bivalves. Foraminifera, especially Orbitopsella spp., are rather frequent, but no detailed distribution of foraminiferal taxa was given. Furthermore, documentation of foraminiferal species is scarce, with few photographs. In order to give a comprehensive picture of foraminiferal assemblage of the "Podpe~ limestone" and its distribution, three sections were measured in detail and sampled. The foraminiferal assemblage consists of 17 species, described in detail. On the basis of foraminifera, the investigated part of the "Podpe~ limestone" belongs to the Lituosepta recoarensis and Orbitopsella praecursor biozones of early Late Sinemurian and Early Pliensbachian age, respectively.
Izvle~ekTemno sivi in ~rni plastnati ooidni "podpe{ki apnenec", ki ga najdemo južno od Ljubljane (osrednja Slovenija), je nastajal na severnem robu Dinarske karbonatne platforme in je znan po ve~ horizontih litiotidnih {koljk. Poleg ostale makrofavne, so v njem dokaj pogoste tudi foraminifere, posebno Orbitopsella spp. Žal so ta poro~ila slikovno slabo dokumentirana in ponavadi brez natan~ne stratigrafske umestitve. Da bi prou~ili celotno foraminiferno združbo in razpon posameznih taksonov, sem posnel tri detajlne sedimentolo{ke profile. Na podlagi presekov v zbruskih sem dolo~il 17 vrst bento{kih foraminifer in ugotovili, da raziskani del združbe "podpe{kega apnenca" pripada Lituosepta recoarensis in Orbitopsella praecursor bioconama zgodnje poznesinemurijske in zgodnjepliensbachijske starosti.