Advanced measurement technology on boundary layer transition is an effective means to study the flow mechanism and the performance of the cascade. In this research, to investigate the boundary layer transition of transonic VKI-RG turbine cascade, a noncontact measurement technique named temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) that is capable of quantitatively measuring the surface temperature of a model is used. Under the conditions of outlet Mach number (Ma2) = 0.4, 1.03, and 1.2, the transitional location of a cascade is accurately measured by TSP technique. Moreover, a numerical study on the transitional location of a planar cascade was conducted with the conditions of Mach number (Ma) and attack angle (α). The numerical results show that the transitional location moved forward with the increase in Ma2 and α at Ma2 < 1; otherwise, the transitional location moved backward with increasing Ma2 (Ma2 > 1). Lastly, a strong adverse pressure gradient was formed behind the shock wave, which led to the beginning of the transition.