Abstract-We consider large MIMO systems, where by 'large' we mean number of transmit and receive antennas of the order of tens to hundreds. Such large MIMO systems will be of immense interest because of the very high spectral efficiencies possible in such systems. We present a low-complexity detector which achieves uncoded near-exponential diversity performance for hundreds of antennas in V-BLAST (i.e., achieves near SISO AWGN performance in a large MIMO fading environment) with an average per-bit complexity of just O(NtNr), where Nt and Nr denote the number of transmit and receive antennas, respectively. With an outer turbo code, the proposed detector achieves good coded bit error performance as well. For example, in a 600 transmit and 600 receive antennas V-BLAST system with a high spectral efficiency of 200 bps/Hz (using BPSK and rate-1/3 turbo code), our simulation results show that the proposed detector performs close to within about 4.6 dB of the theoretical capacity. We also adopt the proposed detector for the low-complexity decoding of high-rate non-orthogonal spacetime block codes (STBC) from division algebras (DA). We have decoded the 16 × 16 full-rate STBC from DA using the proposed detector and show that it performs close to within about 5.5 dB of the capacity using 4-QAM and rate-3/4 turbo code at a spectral efficiency of 24 bps/Hz. The practical feasibility of the proposed high-performance low-complexity detector could trigger wide interest in the implementation of large MIMO systems.
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I. INTRODUCTION MIMO techniques offer transmit diversity and high data rates through the use of multiple transmit antennas [1]-[5]. A key component of a MIMO system is the MIMO detector at the receiver, which, in practice, is often the bottleneck for the overall performance and complexity. MIMO detectors including sphere decoder and several of its variants [6]-[10] achieve near-maximum likelihood (ML) performance at the cost of high complexity. Other well known detectors including ZF (zero forcing), MMSE (minimum mean square error), and ZF-SIC (ZF with successive interference cancellation) detectors [3] are attractive from a complexity view point, but achieve relatively poor performance. For example, the ZF-SIC detector (i.e., the well known V-BLAST detector with ordering [11]) does not achieve the full diversity in the system. The MMSE-SIC detector has been shown to achieve optimal performance [3]. However, the order of per-bit complexity involved in MMSE-SIC and ZF-SIC detectors is cubic in number of antennas. Even reduced complexity detectors (e.g., [12]) are prohibitively complex for large number of antennas of the order of hundreds. With small number of antennas, the high capacity potential of MIMO is not fully exploited. A key issue with using large number of antennas, however, is the high detection complexities involved. Our focus in this paper is on large MIMO systems, where by 'large' we mean number of transmit and receive antennas of the order of tens to hundreds. Such large MIMO systems