The kidney is the most commonly injured urinary tract organ in pediatric trauma with blunt mechanisms, causing around 80% of cases. Non-operative management (NOM) remained the first choice for minor blunt renal trauma; however, its value for major trauma is still under debate. We present three children with high-grade isolated renal trauma diagnosed using computed tomography scans and treated using NOM as the main strategy of treatment. The first patient (12-year-old) fully recovered without needing an auxiliary procedure. The second patient (6-year-old) developed urinoma and underwent percutaneous drainage of urinoma and double J stent (DJ) with an uneventful result. The third patient (14-year-old) developed urinoma and underwent percutaneous drainage and DJ stent. However, he experienced continuous hematuria that was treated via super-selective embolization. In conclusion, NOM for isolated high-grade renal trauma is feasible with good outcomes. If complications were developed during follow-up, minimally invasive procedures, such as super-selective angioembolization in continuing hemorrhage and initial drainage in urinoma, offered a comparable outcome without needing open surgery.