Cell-free systems
for gene expression have gained attention as
platforms for the facile study of genetic circuits and as highly effective
tools for teaching. Despite recent progress, the technology remains
inaccessible for many in low- and middle-income countries due to the
expensive reagents required for its manufacturing, as well as specialized
equipment required for distribution and storage. To address these
challenges, we deconstructed processes required for cell-free mixture
preparation and developed a set of alternative low-cost strategies
for easy production and sharing of extracts. First, we explored the
stability of cell-free reactions dried through a low-cost device based
on silica beads, as an alternative to commercial automated freeze
dryers. Second, we report the positive effect of lactose as an additive
for increasing protein synthesis in maltodextrin-based cell-free reactions
using either circular or linear DNA templates. The modifications were
used to produce active amounts of two high-value reagents: the isothermal
and the restriction enzyme
I. Third, we demonstrated the endogenous regeneration
of nucleoside triphosphates and synthesis of pyruvate in cell-free
systems (CFSs) based on phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) and maltodextrin
(MDX). We exploited this novel finding to demonstrate the use of a
cell-free mixture completely free of any exogenous nucleotide triphosphates
(NTPs) to generate high yields of sfGFP expression. Together, these
modifications can produce desiccated extracts that are 203–424-fold
cheaper than commercial versions. These improvements will facilitate
wider use of CFS for research and education purposes.