DOI: 10.1021/jp902871b
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Immobilization of RuO2 on Carbon Nanotube: An X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure Study

Abstract: The electronic structures of carbon nanotube/RuO2 core/shell nanocomposite (RuO2 thin layer coated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs)) have been studied by X-ray absorption near-edge structures (XANES) at C K-edge, O K-edge, and Ru M5,4- and L3-edges. The variation in white-line features of the XANES at these edges supports strongly that RuO2 interacts with MWNTs through Ru−O−C bonding, which also results in charge redistribution between C 2p-derived states in MWNT and the conduction band in RuO2. Such chemi… Show more

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Cited by 57 publications
(64 citation statements)
References 24 publications
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“…A shift to higher binding energy is suggestive of electron donation, whereas a shift to lower energy is more indicative of electron acceptor behavior. 33,75,76 In our case, the peak shift of MPA-capped CdSe QDs within CaW 0.2 Mo 0.8 O 4 :Eu 3+ −CdSe QD heterostructures (i.e., 619.9 eV → 618.4 eV) is larger than the analogous shift associated with comparable CdS QD-based heterostructures (i.e., 620.0 eV → 618.9 eV). These data support the idea that by comparison with CdS QDs, the CB associated with CdSe QDs within our heterostructures can accommodate a larger number of electrons from CaW 0.2 Mo 0.8 O 4 :Eu 3+ , an assertion which is also consistent with the more prominent PEY reduction of ligand-capped CdSe QDs within our heterostructures.…”
Section: Resultscontrasting
confidence: 52%
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“…A shift to higher binding energy is suggestive of electron donation, whereas a shift to lower energy is more indicative of electron acceptor behavior. 33,75,76 In our case, the peak shift of MPA-capped CdSe QDs within CaW 0.2 Mo 0.8 O 4 :Eu 3+ −CdSe QD heterostructures (i.e., 619.9 eV → 618.4 eV) is larger than the analogous shift associated with comparable CdS QD-based heterostructures (i.e., 620.0 eV → 618.9 eV). These data support the idea that by comparison with CdS QDs, the CB associated with CdSe QDs within our heterostructures can accommodate a larger number of electrons from CaW 0.2 Mo 0.8 O 4 :Eu 3+ , an assertion which is also consistent with the more prominent PEY reduction of ligand-capped CdSe QDs within our heterostructures.…”
Section: Resultscontrasting
confidence: 52%
“…From prior studies, it is known that the PEY intensity is proportional to the unoccupied electronic density of states. 33 It was also apparent that the Cd M 2,3 edge shifted to lower photon energy for the bound QDs within the heterostructure itself as compared with the signal for free QDs themselves. This observation further confirmed that the CB associated with the CdSe QDs and CdS QDs likely acts as an electron acceptor.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 98%
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“…This technique is element specific and very sensitive to the local chemical environment of the absorbing atom. Whereas XANES is powerful in revealing the structure and bonding in nanomaterials, particularly carbon nanostructure hybrids, [6][7][8] EXAFS is sensitive to geometric factors such as bond lengths and coordination environments.…”
confidence: 99%
“…The CNT@RuO 2 composite was prepared by a sol-gel method. [12] Acid-treated carbon nanotubes were dispersed in a solution of RuCl 3 by ultrasonication, and an aqueous solution of NaHCO 3 was slowly added to adjust the pH value to 7. The as-obtained precipitate was then washed several times and dried at 50 8C.…”
confidence: 99%