The The immune defects in WAS are poorly understood but include depressed serum IgM, elevated IgA and IgE, lack of response to polysaccharide antigens and thus absent isohaemagglutinins, reduced T-cell functions such as delayed hypersensitivity and graft rejection, and production of low numbers of abnormally small platelets that are rapidly eliminated, resulting in thrombocytopenia (5, 6). Despite extensive research efforts, the underlying biochemical defect and molecular basis of WAS remain unknown. Selective inactivation of the X chromosome carrying the WAS gene renders the heterozygous females serologically and clinically normal, thereby precluding detection of the carrier state (7). Thus, no direct test is available for prenatal diagnosis or carrier screening.In the absence of information on the primary product of a gene, one approach to locating and eventually cloning the gene is to use restriction fragment length polymorphic (RFLP) markers in conjunction with linkage analysis to study families in which the disease segregates.As a first step in providing diagnostic information for screening and prenatal diagnosis, and in identifying the primary molecular defect in WAS, we have used genetic linkage analysis with a series of X chromosome-specific cloned DNA DNA Extraction and Analysis. Total genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood or lymphoblastoid cell lines. Ten micrograms ofDNA was digested to completion with the appropriate restriction endonucleases, size-fractionated over 1% agarose gels, and transferred by the method of Southern to nylon membranes (8).Probes. Six X-chromosome-specific cloned DNA probes, corresponding to loci DXYS1, DXS1, DXS14, DXS7, DXS84, and OTC, were used in the linkage analysis (9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17). As shown in Table 1, each probe detects two allelic fragments, with the exception of probe pHO731, which defines a four-allele Msp I polymorphism at the ornithine transcarbamoylase locus (16). For hybridization, the probes were radiolabeled by random priming to a specific activity of 2 x 101 cpm/pgg (18