Human prorenin is the enzymatically inactive biosynthetic precursor of renin. Recent interest has focused on the posttranslational sorting and processing of prorenin to renin since markedly increased levels of circulating prorenin have been associated with both physiological and pathological changes. These observations raise the question of whether prorenin processing may be a regulatory event in renin production in the kidney. In the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney, prorenin can be sorted to either of two pathways: 1) the regulated pathway, which is mediated by secretory granules, where a thiol protease resembling cathepsin B processes prorenin to renin by cleavage of the amino terminal 43-amino acid prosegment, which allows exposure of the active site of renin, or 2) the constitutive pathway, which is not regulated and does not involve conversion of prorenin to renin. Studies in which segments of prorenin are modified by site-directed mutagenesis suggest that the prosegment and glycosylation are not required for sorting, although they may influence or participate in sorting, or both. Certain areas in the prosegment are important determinants of enzyme activity and ability to cleave the prosegment. Further structural analysis of prorenin will be useful to assess details of its sorting and processing. In addition, a number of extrarenal tissues such as uterine lining, ovarian theca, corpus luteum, pituitary, and adrenal, express the renin gene. These tissues have different capabilities to sort and process prorenin compared with kidney, and some tissues secrete only prorenin. Whether prorenin-to-renin conversion is necessary to activate these local renin-angiotensin systems is a key issue. Understanding mechanisms involved in prorenin-torenin conversion will help to dissect the potential regulatory role of this step in renin secretion, to define the physiological importance of extrarenal prorenin and renin production, and to determine whether the prorenin processing step could be a site for therapeutic intervention. (Hypertension 1991;17:469-479)