Pili have been isolated from Neisseria gonorrhoeae by controlled homogenization followed by selective disaggregation in sucrose and purification by CsCl density gradient centrifugation. Pili from six gonococcal strains had buoyant densities of 1-30 to 1-31 g ml-l on CsCl. The pili were immunologically distinct when tested with rabbit antisera to purified pili. The amino acid composition of pilin from strains ~9 and 201 was very similar, consisting of 208 and 2 I 2 amino acid residues respectively giving molecular weights of 22 600 and 22352. The pili contained a high proportion (46 %) of non-polar amino acids. Further analysis of strain ~9 pili revealed the presence of I to 2 phosphate groups and I to 2 hexose groups per pilin subunit; no amino sugars were detected. Pili from strain ~9 were resolved into two bands by equilibrium density gradient centrifugation or column isoelectric focusing, suggesting the presence of more than one kind of pilus.