This study aimed to calculate a sustainability index of duck farming. Data was collected through a questionnaire by a scientific judgment of expert researchers in duck farming. Data were grouped using the multidimensional scaling (MDS and MICMAC and analyzed using) comprising social, economic, ecological, technological, and human resources dimensions with a total of 38 attributes in Rapfish software. The sustainability index was calculated as 44.13%, which indicates that farming has a less sustainable category with consideration of some leverage factors. These findings indicate that the high feed price, fluctuations in the price of duck products, diseases, and an extensive maintenance system warrant further attention to improve sustainability. MICMAC's analysis showed that the intensity of counseling, knowledge of livestock health, and livestock waste management are the main driving variables and prerequisites in determining the sustainability of a duck business. The prospective analysis identified several strategies to improve sustainability that can be carried out, including increasing the capacity of human resources through training/counseling/comparative studies, increasing the capacity of existing institutions, and advocating and socializing intensive duck business cultivation.