A study to know the knowledge, attitude, and practices of patients of bronchial asthma Introduction: Asthma being a chronic infl ammatory disease needs treatment for prolonged duration. To increase treatment compliance, each patient should know the course of disease, its precipitating factors, and management protocol. Despite the magnitude of the asthma, very little is known about its public perception. Aim: This study was done to know the knowledge, attitude, and practices of patients of bronchial asthma. Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, subjects were asthmatic patients attending the department of pulmonary medicine, KGMU Lucknow, India. A questionnaire including general understanding of asthma, its triggers and management was given to each patient and results were recorded. Results: A total of 140 patients with confi rmed diagnosis of asthma were included in this study. On an average, each patient had already visited 3.2 doctors prior to coming to us. Out of 140 patients, 64% patients were ignorant regarding disease etiology, 47.1% patients thought that their disease is fatal, 30% patients were reluctant to accept the diagnosis of asthma. Regarding precipitating factors, 25.71% patients could not relate to any cause with their disease exacerbation. A total of 62.14% patients used alternative system of medicine too in the hope of getting rid of their disease. Oral medications were preferred by 62.1% patients, while 73.6% were using inhalers and out of them 71.8% were using inhalers incorrectly. Conclusion: Patient education program should augment awareness; eliminate social stigma, and misconcepts in the community regarding asthma. Knowledge about the prevailing perception in community would be the fi rst step in achieving this.
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