The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of personal approach, pedagogical competence and teacher emotional intelligence on teacher performance in global prima with student learning outcomes as intervening variables. The research method used is quantitative explanatory. The data collection technique is to use questionnaires and observations. The population and sample in this study were 60 teachers of Global Prima Medan School, using saturated sampling tenik. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis and path analysis, which first tests classical assumptions with normality test, multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test. Hypothesis testing was carried out with the F test and t test. Furthermore, to determine the effect of each variable on teacher performance, the determination test was carried out. The results showed that partially the personal approach to student learning outcomes with a tcount> ttable value of 3.786> 2.00 and a significance of 0.000, pedagogical competence on student learning outcomes with a tcount> ttable value of 2.624> 2.00 and a significance of 0.011. Emotional intelligence on student learning outcomes with a tcount> ttable value of 2.924> 2.00 and a significance of 0.005. Student learning outcomes on teacher performance with a tcount> ttable value of 4.285> 2.00 and significance for salary of 0.000, personal approach to teacher performance with a tcount> ttable value of 2.727> 2.00 and significance of 0.009. Pedagogical competence on teacher performance with a tcount> ttable value, namely 0.508 < 2.00 and significance for salary of 0.613, emotional intelligence on teacher performance with a tcount> ttable value, namely -0.272 < 2.00 and significance of 0.787. personal approach to teacher performance through student learning outcomes with a tcount> ttable value, namely -2. 129 > 2.00 and a significance of 0.03, pedagogical competence on teacher performance through student learning outcomes with a tcount> ttable value of 0.573> 2.00 and a significance of 0.566, emotional intelligence on teacher performance through student learning outcomes with a tcount> ttable value of -0.185 < 2.00 and a significance of 0.852. Based on the determination test, it is found that the effect of Personal Approach, Pedagogical Competence, Emotional Intelligence, and Student Learning Outcomes on teacher performance is 68.3% and the rest is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Keywords: Student Learning Outcomes, Emotional Intelligence, Pedagogical Competence, Personal Approach, Teacher Performance