A method that is utilized to identify and estimate bone age is called bone age assessment. Bone age from the x-ray pictures can be estimated from the time of little children to youngsters. Bone development is not just impacted by genetic disorders, hormones, and supplements. It is also impacted by disease and mental conditions. Abnormal growth can be caused by several factors, such as genetic disorders, endocrine issues, and pediatric disorders [1-4]. Medical references explain that among several parts of the body, x-ray images of the left wrist can be used to evaluate bone growth. Manually, a radiologist uses two methods to evaluate bone age. These methods are the Greulich-Pyle (GP) and the Tanner-Whitehouse (TW) method [5]. TW uses the scoring method to determine bone age, while the GP method uses the atlas reference from bone age data [6]. Manual assessment of hand radiographs takes a long time and is quite expensive. So we need an automated recognition system that can recognize the age of bone based on the principles of medical science that are studied by radiologists.