The study was conducted to identify the role of consumer personality in influencing fashion consumption; the study tries to establish a relationship between personality, fashion involvement, innovativeness, and purchase intention. Data were collected from 512 generation Z participants (born after 1997) and analysed using Structural Equation Modelling to demonstrate multivariate relationships using descriptive and causal research. The study concludes that a consumer’s personality positively correlates with fashion involvement. The present study strengthens the finding that apparel expresses an individual’s personality by stating that consumers’ personalities are positively associated with fashion innovativeness. Once personality leads to a positive association with fashion involvement and innovation, the latter two traits show a positive association with purchase intention. Among the innovativeness and involvement, the latter has a more influential role in shaping the customer’s purchase intention. The examination of the effect of consumer personality on fashion consumption-related variables, involvement, and innovativeness has contributed to a better understanding of the mechanism that underlies the operation of an individual purchasing a product.