The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the reward system and healthy organizational culture on employee performance through motivation as mediating variable in Indonesia's higher education context, during pandemic COVID-19. The problem phenomenon, whereas during pandemic COVID-19 higher education needs to sustain that supported by employee performance. The method used in this study is quantitative. The data were collected through closed questionnaires in the online platform. Using purposive sampling for 193 respondents, with categories lecturers and academic support staffs at private University minimum B accredited and turnover rate < 5% in Jakarta and Tangerang. Data process techniques include reliability test, validity test, and hypothesis testing using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model with Smart PLS 3.0 program. Results showed that healthy organizational culture has no direct positive effect on motivation and employee performance. While reward system and motivation each has a direct positive effect on motivation and also has a positive effect on employee performance. Motivation as mediated the effect of reward system on employee performance. Research contribution will give input to the management of higher education how a good reward system, healthy organizational culture with motivation as mediating can provide meaning for employee performance