John PilewskiThe advancement in drilling technology and discoveries of large quantities of natural gas in the United States has led to a substantial increase in hydraulic fracturing (HF) operations in the past two decades. The Marcellus Shale is a world-renowned source rock that has been extensively exploited via HF, and this study aims to analyze the complex chemical reactions that take place during this process of hydrocarbon extraction. Fluid-shale reactions were conducted using a mixture of synthetic brine, and synthetic hydraulic fracturing fluid reacted with three shale samples of varying maturity and mineralogy. Static autoclave reactors were used to mimic in situ reservoir reaction parameters, roughly 2,500 psi and 100°C respectively. Reactions were carried out for 14 days in accordance with the shut-in time when fluid remains in the reservoir during the HF process. The chemical analysis focused on observing major changes in ionic species concentrations and the proliferation of low molecular weight organic compounds with respect to maturity and mineralogy. Shale samples LM-2 and MIP-3H containing relatively greater amounts of carbonate minerals reacted as buffering agents during the reaction increasing the effluent pH to near neutral. Ion Chromatography results indicate an increase in sulfate and phosphate ions and decrease in barium ions in all fluid-shale effluents. These results suggest that the relative abundance of minerals, particularly calcite and pyrite, affect mineral dissolution and precipitation during HF operations. Results also show organic acids are generated in the control fluid, HPT-PF, by placing it under high pressure/temperature conditions without any shale interaction. Overall dissolved organic carbon concentrations decrease in all effluent samples compared to the control fluid. The GC-MS analysis focused on the observation of benzene, toluene, ethylene, and xylene (BTEX) analytes. Results indicate toluene and xylene were generated in the control fluid, HPT-PF, without any shale interaction. The least mature LM-2 sample generated effluent containing the highest concentrations of target VOC analytes, and the most mature MIP-3H sample generated no observable analytes. These results suggest that HFF additives are being transformed at reservoir pressure/temperature conditions, low mature shale is releasing geogenic, labile organic compounds, and high mature shale is adsorbing any VOCs generated from HF processes.iii