“…Similarly, Joudi et al reported, in a cohort of 412 patients with superficial BC treated with TURB plus BCG therapy, a 22% of difference in cancer free survival (CFS) among patients <70 years and >80 years (61% versus 39%, p=0.0002), with the latter that also reported a persistently lower response rate to BCG therapy [20]. Analougously, Kohjimoto et al, reported on 491 patients with non-muscle invasive BC treated with TURB followed by BCG therapy, an higher incidence of multiple and higher grades tumours in >70 patients and a lowest RFS (47.2%) and PFS (89.4%) at 2 year among >80 years patients, with a recurrence and progression risk of 2.3 and 2.8 times respectively higher compared to <70 years patients [21]. More recently, an European Organization for Reasearch and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial, demonstrated, in 822 Ta-T1 patients treated with BCG or epirubicin and followed for a median of 9.2 years, a shorter time to progression, overall and cancer specific survival in patients >70 years, confirming the worse oncological outcomes in elderly patients [15].…”