Social media marketing has become very popular nowadays along with the rapid growth of internet users. The research aims to analyze the influence of social media marketing on brand consciousness, value consciousness, and price consciousness, and its impact on online purchasing intention. Data were collected from 200 samples that became observation units, and were chosen by using purposive sampling technique, namely consumers who have purchased fashion products through Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, at least once in the last year. Further data is processed with Structural Equation Modeling technique. All hypotheses proposed in the study are supported and consistent with previous research, where there is a positive influence of social media marketing on brand consciousness, value consciousness, and price consciousness, and also positively impact on online purchasing intentions. Furthermore, price consciousness is found as the factor that predominantly influence online purchasing intention and the most important factor to form perceptual consciousness. The study examines Indonesian consumers as a country with the largest number of internet users in the world. In addition, price consciousness is added as a new dimension to the proposed perceptual consciousness variable. For further research it is advisable to research online-based shopping with other media, other product categories, as well as an addition of attitude towards online shopping that can affect online purchasing intention.