To clarify the point defect reaction in silicon wafers under rapid thermal processing (RTP) at more than 1300 • C using an oxidation ambient, the vacancy (V) concentration induced in the wafers by RTP was investigated at various oxygen partial pressures. The V concentration was estimated by evaluating the density of oxygen precipitates after thermal treatment. The degree of supersaturation of interstitial silicon (I) was determined using the estimated V concentration, resulting in the equation (C I −C I eq )/C I eq = A(T)(dX O /dt) 0.4 . Here, (C I −C I eq )/C I eq denotes the supersaturation of I, A(T) denotes a coefficient depending on temperature T, and dX O /dt denotes the growth rate of the oxide film. Furthermore, the same relationship was confirmed for the oxidation-enhanced diffusion (OED) of dopants (900-1150 • C) and oxidation-induced stacking fault (OSF) growth (1100-1240 • C). As the Arrhenius plots of A(T) for RTP, OED, and OSF can be represented by a single line, it was determined that A(T) = 1.84 × 10 −9 exp(2.51 eV/k B T) (h/μm) 0.4 in the range 900-1350 • C.