The present investigation was carried out during the two successive seasons of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 at Abo El-Matameer, Behairah Governorate, Egypt to study the effect of seven treatments a foliar application, i.e. control (spray with water only), dry yeast at 2g/L, dry yeast at 4 g/L, urea at 0.5%, urea at 1.0%, urea at 1.5%, and urea at 2% on growth, yield and chemical content of lettuce plants.The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete blocks design in three replications. The obtained results are summarized as follows:Using urea and dry yeast extract levels as a foliar spray on vegetative growth characters, i.e. root length, head length, number of leaves/head, length and width of leaf, diameter of head , fresh and dry weight of head, pigments content ,chemical contents and head yield of lettuce and its components were significantly increased compared to the control treatment. The highest values of these characters of lettuce were recorded by using 1% urea, in both growing seasons. This treatment was followed by the treatments of dry yeast extract at 4 g/L, dry yeast extract at 2 g/L, and urea at 0.5%, respectively.Conclusively: It can be concluded that the treatment of 1% urea gave the best results on all characters of head lettuce. Key words: Head lettucefoliar spray with urea and dry yeast extract
INTRODUCTION:Head lettuce (Lactuce sativa L.) is the world's most used salad crop. It is one the important leafy vegetable crops which are eaten fresh and is a major and extensively grown cool season vegetable best adapted to temperate locations (Rubatzky and Tamaguchi, 1997). It is taken as synonym of salads and contains about 6 -19% mineral elements on the dry weight basis. It is