The amount of electricity being generated by wind turbines is increasing continuously and wind power penetration is continuously becoming more day by day. Due to large variations in wind generation, reactive power flows on transmission lines and voltage are major variables.This paper presents the modelling and simulation of Static Var Compensator (SVC) and reactive power control. In the first step, modeling of SVC carried out. In the second step, modelling of SVC is configured in power system to analyze its behavior for reactive power control along with impact on voltage level in 659 bus systems of Rajasthan Grid, comprising of different voltage level with high wind power penetration in the power system.All analysis is anchored with load flow analysis for SVC realization, by using Mi.-Power system analysis software. Results of tests conducted on the model system in various possible field conditions. the system studies of Rajasthan power system for development of power transmission system in Rajasthan and planning of the power evacuation system for new power plants.His field of interest are renewable energy, distributed generation, icelanding and reactive power compensation.Dr.Manoj Gupta received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering, the M.Tech. degree in power system and the Ph.D.