The authors of the scientific publication listed the main regulatory and legal documents of Ukraine, which provide for the preservation and strengthening of the health of Ukrainians; the topics of conversations (author Z. Dikhtyarenko) are listed. These topics are desirable to conduct during training, the educational process, and, especially, remotely, in order to preserve and strengthen the health of combat horting athletes (and, if possible, under conditions of martial law). And questions for pupils and student youth, cadets (author D. Borsukova), and also multiple choice questions for pupils and student youth, cadets (author A. Steshyts). Z. Dikhtyarenko and A. Steshyts agree that the development of the structure and components of the concept of "health" in scientific literature has acquired various modifications many times: physical, mental, spiritual (graphic representation is a pyramid); physical, social, spiritual (graphic representation is a pyramid); physical, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual (graphic image is a flower); physical, emotional, mental, social, personal, spiritual (a graphic image is a flower); physical, somatic, mental (mental, emotional), social; biological, social, psychological, spiritual (physical, intellectual, moral); physical, mental, moral, spiritual, social, professional (graphic representation is a cyclic scheme) [4].