OCORRÊNCIA DE EVENTOS ADVERSOS PÓS-VACINAÇÃO EM IDOSOS. This is a descriptive, retrospective, quantitative study with data from the National Information System on Adverse Events Following Immunization, related to vaccines against diphtheria and tetanus, hepatitis B, pneumococcal 23-valent, yellow fever and influenza, in Brazil, collected in April 2015. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics using Microsoft Excel 2013® and Epi Info® 7.1.4. A total of 2,692 adverse events were found, 97.91% were not severe. Of these, 37.11% involved pain, heat and flushing, prevalent in influenza (42.64%) and diphtheria, and tetanus (39.64%) vaccines. The elderly from 60-69 years (71.65%) and females (76.19%) were the most affected. Of the cases, 59.32% did not receive care in health services. It was concluded that this population is affected by adverse events, especially with no severity, but that require the attention from healthcare professionals to maintain their trust and adherence to vaccination. DESCRIPTORS: Health of the elderly; Immunization; Adverse event; Nursing.
OCURRENCIA DE EVENTOS ADVERSOS POSTVACUNACIÓN EN ANCIANOSRESUMEN: Se objetivó analizar ocurrencia de Eventos Adversos Postvacunación en ancianos, en Brasil, entre 2004 y 2013. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, cuantitativo, con datos del Sistema de Información de Eventos Adversos Postvacunación relativos a las vacunas contra difteria, tétanos, hepatitis B, neumocócica 23 valente, fiebre amarilla e influenza, recolectados en abril de 2015. Análisis realizado por estadística descriptiva, utilizando Microsoft Excel 2013® y Epi Info® 7.1.4. Fueron encontrados 2.692 eventos adversos, 97,91 no graves, de ellos 37,11% expresaron dolor, calor y rubor, predominando en vacunas contra influenza (42,64%), difteria y tétanos (39,64%). Los ancianos de 60 a 69 años (71,65%) y sexo femenino (76,19%) fueron los más afectados. El 59,32% de casos no recibió atención en servicios de salud. Se concluye en que este grupo poblacional es afectado por eventos adversos, particularmente sin gravedad, que requieren atención de los profesionales de salud para mantener la confianza y adhesión a la vacunación.