Cyber-physical systems (CPS) play a pivotal role in various critical applications, ranging from industrial automation to healthcare monitoring. Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of sensor data within these systems is of paramount importance. This research paper presents a novel approach for enhancing fault detection in sensor data within a cyber-physical system through the integration of machine learning algorithms. Specifically, a hybrid ensemble methodology is proposed, combining the strengths of AdaBoost and Random Forest with Rocchio’s algorithm, to achieve robust and accurate fault detection. The proposed approach operates in two phases. In the first phase, AdaBoost and Random Forest classifiers are trained on a diverse dataset containing normal and faulty sensor data to develop individual base models. AdaBoost emphasizes misclassified instances, while Random Forest focuses on capturing complex interactions within the data. In the second phase, the outputs of these base models are fused using Rocchio’s algorithm, which exploits the similarities between faulty instances to improve fault detection accuracy. Comparative analyses are conducted against individual classifiers and other ensemble methods to validate the effectiveness of the hybrid approach. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves superior fault detection rates. Additionally, the integration of Rocchio’s algorithm significantly contributes to the refinement of the fault detection process, effectively leveraging the strengths of AdaBoost and Random Forest. In conclusion, this research offers a comprehensive solution to enhance fault detection capabilities in cyber-physical systems by introducing a novel ensemble framework. By synergistically combining AdaBoost, Random Forest, and Rocchio’s algorithm, the proposed methodology provides a robust mechanism for accurately identifying sensor data anomalies, thus bolstering the reliability and performance of cyber-physical systems across a multitude of critical applications.