In order to analyze the formative process for the management of scientific-research of the students of the career of Socio-Cultural Management for Development of Granma's University (UDG), with emphasis in the role of Information Technologies and a communications (ICT), a descriptive study was conducted systematized by means of bibliographic review methods, hermeneutics, analytical technique-synthetic and statistical and content analysis, besides in the techniques of interview and opinion poll. The findings allowed us to conclude that the process is understood by its interdisciplinary conception and orientation towards the achievement of the culture of scientific research. Students have a medium level of scientific research skills development, highlighting the design, execution and evaluation of sociocultural development projects and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the research process; nevertheless, the professors of the integrative main discipline must draw actions for the perfecting of the process of scientific investigating formation of the students, emphasizing in the use of them ICT.