This paper introduces the state-of-art of electrical vehicles, hybrids and charger station currently available. Based at Corredor Verde project, a partnership among SENAI CIMATEC, GESEL, SINAPSIS, UFABC and ABB by 22/2018 ANEEL/COELBA work call aiming the implementation of 17 charger stations between Salvador/BA and Natal/RN cities. It is discussed those technologies challenges along more than 100.000km to be covered by the stations and project´s vehicles. Furthermore, the study and usage of those technologies will permit a new business model study based at electrical network measurements and vehicle behavior over urban and highway scenario, therefore allowing a new scalability perspective about the implementation of this new transport mode in Brazil, where allied with government and industry this new transport mode is also drawing attention from of electrical companies once this mode presents a unknow scenario in terms of impact over the power supply demand, electrical transmission and distribution required to supply it. As main conclusion of this paper it is quote the strong and weak side of currently architectures applied onto vehicles and charger stations, and a briefing regarding the battery's technologies, a stress point of this new transport mode.